Thursday, December 8, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Boy today had a lot of stuff go wrong.   I  got a splinter, bumped my head, and forgot the main contractors name I was with!  The house smells like rat poop and when I leave the house, it mildly stays on me. yesterday I was chewing a lot of gum (suppose to whiten your teeth) and chomped on my cheek twice.  Now I have a sore in my mouth.

But during my live show at the park I told everybody that the more you talk about your promblems the bigger they get.  So I was saying to count your blessings and ignore your problems/pains.

Thanks GOD for

  • my eyes so I can see, 
  • my mouth, so I can sing
  • my legs so I can walk

The child that had a hurt finger didn't understand and kept looking at his finger.  Children have to work things out for themselves.

I needed to be reminded of this tonight with everything's that's happened.   Could your blessing!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011




After I woke up I had clear vision how I wanted the rain gutters on my house made.  The drain would be long and deep (as long as the facial board on my house).  Then "inside" there would be a beam (on an angle at the bottom of the drain) that directs the water to the drain pipe and off my house.)

It's so obvious to me that if they put regular drain pipes like the ones I currently have, that the water will just sit there inside, doing nothing to get the water off my house.  This new "custom-designed" rain gutter will solve the problem to my home.  Just what the customer ordered!

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."
- Walt Disney
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Another approach to solving the "rain problem" the house was taking a whole new approach all together.   Someone had the idea of making these screens that when the falling rain water hits them, the water disperses!  It allows the water that collects on the edge of the roof to simply "separate and scatter" into different directions while it continues to fall away from the house.  Brilliant!

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it's the courage to continue that counts."
- Winston Churchill

Intelligent Fool

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Last night I had a dream I was in a perfect size room. (I was in someone else's house that looked exactly like mine.)   I told them the room was the perfect size, not too big, not too small.  You could do anything to it that you wanted at all!   It was big enough to hold a "small dance" or even have a "slumber party".

Later I was bringing in a old desk of mine to set some large things on. Paper cutter and xerox machine.  The people I knew there saw that I was suggesting that they could have this desk I brought in, but they shook their heads, saying they didn't want the desk.

We were watching some old cartoons projected up on the wall.  One Bob Clampett film that I'd never seen, but we had a hard time getting the projector to work.

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"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex, it take a touch of genius and lot of courage to get up and move into the opposite direction."
- Albert Einstein

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Replacing a Reading Lamp after Exercise

IKEA has some fine products but I had the hardest time trying to figure out HOW to replace a light bulb on their reading lamp. I found there step by step visual instruction manual at website.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Something To Motivate

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prostate Pill - Prosvent


1(800) 499 8166


Men with an enlarge Prosate

Men who have used it have seen a difference in one month


Health Update

I'm down to 209 last I checked, I have started running instead of walking and look forward to getting through it everyday. I feel more alert and awake during the week and feel I am in very good health.

I quit smoking 11 years ago and cut way back on coffee this year, in fact switched to Tea 70% of the time. The shakes I have been making for myself everyday has help lessen the time making dinner and they really fill me up.

I hope to stay active through out the rest of my 40's into my 50's. While I liked having a walking partner, I do enjoy the solitude too.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Read This and a Light In My Head Went On!

“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to.”

- Stacey Charter

Monday, March 21, 2011

Herbal Life

Maxi Health Cal-Max with D3 & Magnesium -- 180 Tablets

Maxi Health Research has combined calcium citrate with magnesium, vitamin D and boron, to give you the ultimate support for healthy bone and teeth. Calcium, the most abundant and possibly the most vital of all nutrients, constitutes the majority of all minerals in our body. Calcium loss is constant as the body carries on its daily functions and remodeling occurs every ninety days. In addition, calcium is essential for the contraction of

Cal-Max (800 589 4909)

Herbal Life

Formula 1 Shake Mix
Healthy Meal
Helps support weight loss and weight management*

Myth: Aging slows your metabolism.
People do tend to put on weight as they get older – but it’s typically because they tend to exercise less

Vitamin D

Vitamin C

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Garfield Park" - South Pasadena

"Garfield Park" - South Pasadena

Is one of the best parks in my area. The play area sits in the middle surrounded by large grassy hills. Beautiful Tall maintained trees have daily visits from clusters of wild parrots that are not too sure where to go and are always bickering.

The seating area has raise stage made out of concrete with fireplace with cook outs. Now if I could only learn to prepare food and have a party of my own. I am there every Thursday from 3-5 playing for the kids, for the the public and my own sanity.

It does get very cold around 4:30 and the trees cause shade and though they have lighting it does quickly get dark around 5pm.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow Near Flintridge, California

How wonderful it was today to see a clear day and the mountains covered in snow. I instantly knew I needed to get a close up view before they melt away. It was just a 10 minute drive from my house up the freeway to get these incredible pictures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cricket Resurrection

I found another large one of these floating in the pool. These are a very large creepy bugs that moves curiously slow. Reading up I find out that this (what my gardner calls "Potato Bug") is also called "Jerusalem Cricket".

Several hypotheses attempt to explain the origin of the term "Jerusalem cricket".[8] John Stoffolano hypothesizes that the term originated from a mixing of Navajo and Christian terminology. He suggests that Franciscan priests had a strong connection with the Navajos, particularly in the development of the Navajo dictionary and vocabulary. These priests, Stoffolano contends, heard the Navajos speak of a "skull insect" and took this to be a reference to Skull Hill, the cliff outside Jerusalem near the place where Jesus was said to be crucified.

The Jerusalem cricket spends most of its life underground. Its large, almost humanoid head supports the necessary muscles that assist the jaws in digging in the soil and feeding on living and dead plant materials. Like most crickets, this insect also produces sound, called drumming, by hitting its spiny legs against its body.Common myths

Mahogany Jerusalem cricket (Stenopelmatusn. sp. "mahogany") next to a 2.4 cm quarter

As is true for other large, arthropods (e.g. solfugids), there are a number of folk tales regarding Jerusalem crickets which are simply untrue; first and foremost, they are not venomous. However, they can emit a foul smell and are capable of inflicting a painful bite - but neither is lethal, as some of the tales would suggest. They also do not cry like children, nor do they rub their legs together to make sounds.

Here is a photo of the crickets with wings and prickly legs that make a supposed violin sound. I remember them having a very powerful spring where they were caught and would try to get away. This looks nothing like the Disney Character. Maybe Jiminy was modeled after a wingless, foul smelling Potato Bug.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Exchange Mold for Jaccuzzi

This is the kind of outdoor spa I want. Imagine after a hard days work coming home to this everyday!

Making good progress on Jacuzzi area. All bricks were taken out of area ready to grade and make flat. Also 6 bushes in the area were removed and o tall tree cut.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Water Damage

I have a problem with water damage. I had a restoration man out and we found the problem of a clogged out door drain. The drain has dirt that got in there from the mudslide that resulted from the last heavy rain. That area has been gathering water and getting up to a level that has been getting into the house. There is smell in the area what to me smells like mold.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Take Care of Your Mouth!

Make sure you floss, my Dentist told me a patient of his leaves a string of floss out and so she can just grab it and get any food particles that could get stuck in there, out that may cause you problems later. You don't want ANY cavities!
Did you know what the perforated bumps on the back of a toothbrush are for? Cool design? To feel good against you gums? No! They put them there so people can brush your tongue! I had been brushing my tongue with the toothbrush part for years until I recent read the package on a new toothbrush. I have a feeling my toothbrushes are going last a lot longer now.

Bacteria can live on your tongue and give you sore throat and worse, bad breath!! There are no pictures that I could find on the web where it allows you to demonstrate the back of the toothbrushing on the tongue activity!!

Water Damage Sent Me To A Hotel

After the last rain the backyard brick at my house was really looking dark and green. It was recommend by some friends that I buy "Oxy Mold Killer" and sprayed the brick down then spray it with the hose.

At the same time I was having some water that would not drain in an area by the dining room. I thought it was that the roof drains were just leaving more water than the average place. But I found the drain in the ground was clogged full of dirt from the rain. A few months ago, in the house near that same area, we found a bad area with mold growth. We cleaned it up but it didn't occur to me that it could be spreading on the other side of the wall!! $&#@!~

A few days ago I could smell a horrible mildew scent. I looked online for a mold specialist and found Alladin Restoration Services. They came out the next day and told me I would have to have test done to find out what kind of mold it was. He gave the name of a mold specialist Jed Myers and today he came to inspect the affected areas.

There were four area altogether that he tested:
  1. Ceiling above the stove (Although the ceiling is visible damage, the area is dry.)
  2. Near the dining room sliding glass window, dry rot, still damp.
  3. Area over drums in the dining room
  4. Test outside by the bricks, since it is looking bad
1) Living Room (swal)
2) Family Room (air)
3) Family Room (air)
4) Outside (air)

  1. 24hrs turn around to see if the mold is toxic. The areas are not look too serious but could become if not taken if put off too long.
Total expensive $769 to test air.

A Mold Specialist
Jed Myers (886) 988-MOLD Professional Service
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stephen Selbe -818 759.4867

10859 Sherman Way
Sun Valley, California 91352

So I've been at two hotels trying to figure this out. I've been meeting people during the day and working in the yard but just not staying over night with the questionable air. I heard that this can get you really sick and I do not want that.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sloan Flushmate

The Actuator needs to be set at the proper clearance,

1/8” from either the Flush Rod or push button!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Serial 031510-F3A-1292
Series 503
(2800 533-3450

Return of the Sore Throat

While I've finished all my anti-biotics it feels as though the sore throat might be creeping back.
Oh well back to the Doctor!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ricola Lozenger

My throat was very dry andI needed to lubricate the bottom of my throat where the Larynx and Trachea meet.

For my sore throat I was using Cepacol but they were larger, tasted terrible and didn't seem to work very well. Someone recommended me these Ricola and they really seem to work. They seem to be jus the right size and the taste great without a strong medicine.