Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Water Damage Sent Me To A Hotel

After the last rain the backyard brick at my house was really looking dark and green. It was recommend by some friends that I buy "Oxy Mold Killer" and sprayed the brick down then spray it with the hose.

At the same time I was having some water that would not drain in an area by the dining room. I thought it was that the roof drains were just leaving more water than the average place. But I found the drain in the ground was clogged full of dirt from the rain. A few months ago, in the house near that same area, we found a bad area with mold growth. We cleaned it up but it didn't occur to me that it could be spreading on the other side of the wall!! $&#@!~

A few days ago I could smell a horrible mildew scent. I looked online for a mold specialist and found Alladin Restoration Services. They came out the next day and told me I would have to have test done to find out what kind of mold it was. He gave the name of a mold specialist Jed Myers and today he came to inspect the affected areas.

There were four area altogether that he tested:
  1. Ceiling above the stove (Although the ceiling is visible damage, the area is dry.)
  2. Near the dining room sliding glass window, dry rot, still damp.
  3. Area over drums in the dining room
  4. Test outside by the bricks, since it is looking bad
1) Living Room (swal)
2) Family Room (air)
3) Family Room (air)
4) Outside (air)

  1. 24hrs turn around to see if the mold is toxic. The areas are not look too serious but could become if not taken if put off too long.
Total expensive $769 to test air.

A Mold Specialist
Jed Myers (886) 988-MOLD Professional Service
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stephen Selbe -818 759.4867

10859 Sherman Way
Sun Valley, California 91352

So I've been at two hotels trying to figure this out. I've been meeting people during the day and working in the yard but just not staying over night with the questionable air. I heard that this can get you really sick and I do not want that.