Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Take Care of Your Mouth!

Make sure you floss, my Dentist told me a patient of his leaves a string of floss out and so she can just grab it and get any food particles that could get stuck in there, out that may cause you problems later. You don't want ANY cavities!
Did you know what the perforated bumps on the back of a toothbrush are for? Cool design? To feel good against you gums? No! They put them there so people can brush your tongue! I had been brushing my tongue with the toothbrush part for years until I recent read the package on a new toothbrush. I have a feeling my toothbrushes are going last a lot longer now.

Bacteria can live on your tongue and give you sore throat and worse, bad breath!! There are no pictures that I could find on the web where it allows you to demonstrate the back of the toothbrushing on the tongue activity!!