Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dentist - Teeth Grinding

This week I got a cold while jogging (exercising) in the rain. I was also having some teeth discomfort during the same time. I called the Dentist and took me the same day. The receptionist Edith who is also a Medical person asked if I grinding my teeth? I said actually yes I've know noticed that I have during the time I was practicing...I was working on a difficult piece called "Peacherine Rag". She mention I needed to use a Night Guard that people who grind their teeth during the day will also grind at night. So I was very RELIEVED that probably the reason for my teeth hurting was this not more TOOTH DECAY!!

Earlier this year I did have a root canal, and since then I have been brush and flossing every day... in the same way George Bush started reading the Bible everyday since he became President. So anyway I was very surprised I was having discomfort with my teeth. I went to CVS Pharmacy and looked at their Night Guards for Teeth Grinders. They all looked fairly big like a Football Mouth Guard. I got the smallest one that said you can put them into hot water and then apply them to make an impression in your teeth. I was a bit nervous after plunging my upper teeth into the hot rubber substance. I thought it might tear out my fillings and pulled it out!

Later after making it, I spent an hour driving to the Dentist and show them. They explained that this was too big bulky and would fall out, and that they could make me a more comfortable one for $150 dollars. I agreed and they took my teeth impressions. I really hope that this is all it is "Teeth Grinding" because I hate the thought of having another root canal after being such a good brusher.