Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good Nutrition

"The hardest part, is the very first step, because once you start with that very first step the second one come easier." - Dr. OZ

This year has been big for me changing into living a healthier life. I was over weight earlier this year and have been taking action to reduce my weight.

Changes I've made:
  • 1) Walk three miles everyday
  • 2) Log all food going in and their Calories.

These two things have made me more aware what I eat and loose weight and feel a lot better. There is a new Application for the iPhone and iPad called "LOOSE IT" which allows you to log all your "FOOD" and "EXERCISE". It tells your the calories you "Gained" calories you've "Burned".

Those good changes lead me to:
  • 3) Getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier.
  • 4) Brushing my teeth after every meal, floss and use mouthwash.
  • 5) Read the ingredient on labels of the food I buy.
And though it hasn't been easy I do feel I am making slow progress, but I need to keep at it and this blog will help to keep me actively pursuing my over all health.