Thursday, December 8, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Boy today had a lot of stuff go wrong.   I  got a splinter, bumped my head, and forgot the main contractors name I was with!  The house smells like rat poop and when I leave the house, it mildly stays on me. yesterday I was chewing a lot of gum (suppose to whiten your teeth) and chomped on my cheek twice.  Now I have a sore in my mouth.

But during my live show at the park I told everybody that the more you talk about your promblems the bigger they get.  So I was saying to count your blessings and ignore your problems/pains.

Thanks GOD for

  • my eyes so I can see, 
  • my mouth, so I can sing
  • my legs so I can walk

The child that had a hurt finger didn't understand and kept looking at his finger.  Children have to work things out for themselves.

I needed to be reminded of this tonight with everything's that's happened.   Could your blessing!